Executive team roles

• See that all orders and resolutions of the Directors are carried into effect and shall have the necessary authority for this purpose

• Execute NEACOL’s strategic action plan approved by the Board

• Work with the treasurer to prepare the annual budget

• Appear on behalf of the organization at any public function;

• Contract services and authorize expenditures as presented in the annual budget approved by the Board and obtain specific approval of any changes to the budget above $500.00 (not to exceed $2,000.00 in aggregate).

• Meet regularly with the Executive Team and Committee Chairs and together with the Secretary report on progress, results, financials, as well as any issues/concerns to the Board on a monthly basis.

• Assist in the preparation of the Annual Report following the end of the fiscal year.

• Execute a signature with the bank that holds the account for the organization.

• Sign contracts and review any external communication on behalf of NEACOL

• Serve as the Clerk for the purpose of service of process as required by law, unless the organization has a resident agent appointed.

Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week

• In the absence or disability of the President, the powers and duties shall be performed by the Vice President for the duration of the President’s absence. In addition, the Vice President shall assist in the performance of the functions of the President as is necessary. In addition, the Vice President shall:

• Serve as the liaison between the executive team and operating committees

• Review operating committees monthly reports and assist them with any issues that they may have in the execution of their action plans.

• Maintain volunteer engagement and morale, as well as an appropriate volunteer base

• Recruit, train, manage and mentor volunteers in coordination with the membership committee

• Facilitating communication among Operating Committees and coordinating periodic meetings among the different committee heads, committee members, and the executive officers (and the board when appropriate).

Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week

The Treasurer shall, subject to the direction of the Board, have general charge of the financial affairs of the corporation and shall keep accurate books of accounts. It shall be the Treasurer’s duty to:

• Have custody of all funds, securities, and valuable documents of the corporation, except as the Directors may otherwise provide;

• Schedule and meet with the accountant for training on management of the accounting system, the organization chart of accounts and appropriate bookkeeping practices, during the first month after being appointed.

• Render promptly to the President and to the Directors such statements of his transactions and accounts as the President and Directors respectively may from time to time require;

• Manage the relationship with the NEACOL accountant and provide him with any and all information required to prepare the annual tax returns, and any other reporting and registration requirement.

• Perform such duties and have such powers as the Directors may designate.

• Shall submit Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet statements, a copy of the bank statement and summary of accounts receivable and payable to the chair(s) of board and the President each month.

• Source and manage relationships with all financial institutions, including credit card processors, keeping cost-effectiveness as a priority.

• Review at least 2-3 proposals for any products or services to be purchased or contracted, and support operating committees in the selection of these.

• Notify the Board of any budget modifications needed above $500.00 (not to exceed $2,000.00 in aggregate).

• Work with the President to prepare the budget for the year.

• Bid for and renew the NEACOL liability insurance policy(ies) on a yearly basis.

• Perform additional duties and have such powers as the President and Directors designate.

• Register the organization annually with the secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week

• Organize meetings, handle invitations, and produce agendas and minutes.

• Ensure that a record is kept for the purpose of all votes and proceedings at any meeting.

• Coordinate the annual calendar and the implementation of the activities with the different committees.

• Oversee the flow and consistency of internal and external communications in conjunction with the marketing/communications committee.

• Handle communication and emails sent to the organization from outside entities.

• Organize and manage the election process for the board of directors.

Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week

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