grant program


Funding Priorities

The New England Association for Colombian Children’s (NEACOL) grant program serves our mission: to provide financial resources to support programs that contribute to improving the living conditions of Colombian children in need. NEACOL’s grant program addresses three broad areas aligned with its mission: health, education, and nutrition.


The 2024/2025 Call for Proposals will provide funding to health organizations meeting the needs of children up to 18 years old experiencing malnutrition.



The Health Ministry warned of the potential exacerbation of childhood health situations with the climate phenomenon of El Niño: increased droughts and effects on the agricultural activity for food production.


The OPS calls for the strengthening of timely attention to the at-risk population, requiring medical staff training, education materials, and medical supplies.

The Application Deadline for the 2024 Call for Proposals has passed.


Please email with questions.